
This was an assigment using the following instructions. It took about 5 hours to complete using class notes and some previous githubs. I copied and pasted this ReadMe from https://github.com/IamCharlesM/wdi-10-hw11-express-index-show-poke/blob/master/README.md thanks a lot, hope this helps whoever is learning EJS

Original creators: WDI-Lettuce, WDIR-Panthalassa, Thom Page
Adapted by: Kristyn Bryan
Further Adaptations by: Karolin Rafalski and Reuben Ayres
Competencies: Practicing Index and Show pages
Prerequisites: Javascript, Express, Routes, Node



Make a Pokemon app that displays data inside server-side rendered views.


User Stories


In terminal:


🔴 The commit message should read:
“Commit 1 - All my files are created”

Install NPM Packages

In terminal:


🔴 The commit message should read:
“Commit 2 - All my npm packages are added”

Set up your server

🔴 The commit message should read:
“Commit 3 - My server is set up and running”

Set up your ‘database’

const pokemon = [ {name: "Bulbasaur", img: "http://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/bulbasaur.jpg"},
				{name: "Ivysaur", img: "http://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/ivysaur.jpg"},
				{name: "Venusaur", img: "http://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/venusaur.jpg"},
				{name: "Charmander", img: "http://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/charmander.jpg"},
				{name: "Charizard", img: "http://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/charizard.jpg"},
				{name: "Squirtle", img: "http://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/squirtle.jpg"},
				{name: "Wartortle", img: "http://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/wartortle.jpg"}

🔴 The commit message should read:
“Commit 4 - Connected my database, can see json in the browser”

Set up your index view

  <style type="text/css">
body {
  color: blanchedalmond;
  background-color: steelblue;

🔴 The commit message should read:
“Commit 5 - index.ejs view rendered at pokemon route”

Set up your index view to show your pokemon data

&#x1F534; The commit message should read: <br>
"Commit 6 - I can view a list of all my pokemon in the browser "

Set up your show route

🔴 The commit message should read:
“Commit 7 - show view shows req.params.id “

🔴 The commit message should read:
“Commit 8 - added dynamic anchor tags to index.ejs “

Render your individual pokemon in the show view

🔴 The commit message should read:
“Commit 9 - created show views of each pokemon “

Style your app…

Style your app, step 1: static

🔴 The commit message should read:
“Commit 10 - set up serving of static files so we can add CSS”

Style your app, step 2: gulp

🔴 The commit message should read:
“Commit 11 - added gulp and configured it to compile LESS”

Style your app, step 3: write the less


🔴 The commit message should read:
“Commit 12 - Styled app with LESS”

You finished! Nice work. Submit by making a pull request.

Hungry for more?

  1. Style your application with Bootstrap! Or really jazz up your app by adding some hand-rolled flourishes with css animations, jQuery and more!

  2. Learn more about Pseudo Selectors to become a CSS Genius
  3. Sign up for Code Wars and/or HackerRank and/or Project Euler and try out a challenge (or a few!) in order to keep honing your JavaScript skills!